Source code for casinotools.fileformat.casino3.ScanPointPositions

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" """

# Script information for the file.
__author__ = "Hendrix Demers ("
__version__ = ""
__date__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2009 Hendrix Demers"
__license__ = ""

# Standard library modules.
import os
import logging

# Third party modules.

# Local modules.
import casinotools.fileformat.FileReaderWriterTools as FileReaderWriterTools

# Globals and constants variables.

[docs]class ScanPointPositions(FileReaderWriterTools.FileReaderWriterTools): def __init__(self): self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): self._positions = [] self._startPosition = 0 self._endPosition = 0 self._filePathname = "" self._fileDescriptor = 0
[docs] def getNumberPoints(self): return len(self._positions)
[docs] def addPosition(self, point): self._positions.append(point)
[docs] def getPositions(self): return self._positions
[docs] def read(self, file): self._startPosition = file.tell() self._filePathname = self._fileDescriptor = file.fileno() logging.debug("File position at the start of %s.%s: %i", self.__class__.__name__, "read", self._startPosition) # Move backward to read the previous tag, which indicate indirectly the start of this section. currentPosition = file.tell() if currentPosition > 16:, os.SEEK_CUR) tagID = b"*SIM_OPT_END%" if self.findTag(file, tagID): self.reset() self._startPosition = file.tell() self._filePathname = self._fileDescriptor = file.fileno() logging.debug("File position at the start of %s.%s: %i", self.__class__.__name__, "read", self._startPosition) numberPoints = self.readInt(file) for dummy in range(numberPoints): x = self.readDouble(file) y = self.readDouble(file) z = self.readDouble(file) points = (x, y, z) self.addPosition(points) self._endPosition = file.tell() logging.debug("File position at the end of %s.%s: %i", self.__class__.__name__, "read", self._endPosition) return None
[docs] def export(self, exportFile): # todo: implement the export method. pass